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Esthie Hugo

Writer, scholar, teacher. 

I am a lecturer in English Literature at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg. My research interests include world-literature, genre studies, the environmental humanities, critical race theory, and social reproductive feminism. I have published on contemporary Gothic fiction, Caribbean women's poetry, food and feminism, as well as atmospheric pollution and racial violence in postcolonial African writing. I am currently working on my first academic monograph, provisionally entitled Intimate Invasions: Literature, Ecology and the New Feminist Gothic. 


Select Publications


In progress:

  1. Intimate Invasions: Literature, Ecology and the New Feminist Gothic.  




Forthcoming and in progress:  

  1. “Sugar and the Southern African Novel.”

  2. (Co-authored with Michael Niblett, Chris Campbell, and Christine Okoth) “Introduction: Commodity Frontiers and World Literature,” Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies.

  3. “Terrors of the House and Field: Saccharine Gothic and Caribbean Plantation Literatures,” Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies.



  1. “A ‘Violence Just Below the Skin’: Atmospheric Terror and Racial Ecologies in Ben Okri’s “In the City of Red Dust,” ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies for Literature and Environment, 29, no. 1 (2022). Winner of the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE) Graduate Student Paper Award.

  2. “Looking forward, Looking Back: Animating Magic, Modernity and the African City-Future in Nnedi Okorafor’s Lagoon,” Social Dynamics, 43, no. 1 (2017): 46 – 58.




Chapters in Edited Collections

Forthcoming and in progress:  

  1. “Gothic and Labour: Metabolic, Reproductive, International,” in The Cambridge Companion to World Gothic Literature, eds. Rebekah Cumpsty and Rebecca Duncan (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2025).

  2. “A World of Confinement and Compartments: Césaire, Fanon, and the Suffocating City,” in Ends of the Global City, eds. Rashmi Varma and Jini Kim Watson (New York: Palgrave, 2024). 


  1. “Tropical Gothic: Plantation Ecology, Commodity Frontiers, and the Aesthetics of Excess,” in The Edinburgh Companion to Globalgothic, ed. Rebecca Duncan (Edinburgh University Press, 2023).

  2. (co-authored with Nora Castle) “‘Growgirls’ and Cultured Eggs: Food Futures and Feminism in SF from the Global South,” in Technologies of Feminist Speculative Fiction: Gender, Artificial Life, and the Politics of Reproduction, eds., Sherryl Vint and Sümeyra Buran (London: Springer, 2022).

  3. “A Violence ‘Just Below the Skin’: Atmospheric Terror and Racial Ecologies from the African Anthropocene,” in Gothic and the Anthropocene: Dark Scenes from Damaged Earth, eds., Justin D. Edwards, Rune Graulund, Johan Höglund (University of Minnesota Press, 2022).

  4. “Pain, Pleasure, and the World-Food-System: Plotting the Afterlife of the Plantation in the Poetry of Grace Nichols,” in Literary and Cultural Production, World-Ecology, and the Global Food System, eds., Chris Campbell, Michael Niblett, and Kerstin Oloff (London: Palgrave, 2021). 

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Postgraduate Courses


Undergraduate Courses

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